Tokeya Deep Data Dive GmbH & Co. KG is investigating EEG data from patients with MDD (major depression disease) and AD (Alzheimer’s disease) using methodsfrom AI, time series analysis and the theory of dynamic systems. The aim of these analyses is to develop methods that considerably improve the early detection of Alzheimer’s dementia and at the same time provide a differentiation of age-related depressions in order to prevent mistreatment.
In the following pictures, the first picture shows the course of the EEG for one electrode at two test persons. The second picture shows the associated “Higuchi Fractal Dimension” (HFD).The lower the HFD, the smoother the EEG raw data curve, even if it has more outliers than the reference curve. If, for example, the HFD in depression patients has a value below 1.6, this is significant for the presence of MDD. In Alzheimer’s the same applies modified: the lower the activity, the smoother the curve and the lower the HFD.In this way, a complete EEG data analysis using a classification with advanced AI methods provides an early diagnosis of the presence of the disease.